
After listening to NPR much of this last weekend, I was left surprised to learn that recent DNA analysis points to Christopher Columbus being Jewish and from Spain, (where he probably converted to Catholicism to prevent persecution)!

I've always wanted Columbus Day to be in order to celebrate my Italian American heritage... I felt betrayed by research that established Columbus never set foot on North America and that explorations and the heinous behavior of European explorers decimated the lives and cultures of North America.

Now that Columbus is Jewish, and thus carrying his own decimated cultural history; I'm more sympathetic. Ironic, to be sure.

Thank you, Dr. Will for your (usual) weave of historical facts that always include botanical and homeopathic perspective's. Always easy to read and think about.

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Hey, to celebrate your Italian heritage, you always have Marco Polo, who really did go where he was purported to, & Vinny Gambini (Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinny).

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